Model and simulate a differential drive mobile robot in ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco and Gazebo Harmonic from Scratch


In this ROS2 tutorial, we explain how to model and simulate a two-wheel differential drive mobile robot in ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco and Gazebo Harmonic from scratch. We explain how to create URDF, XACRO XML, Gazebo, and Python files that define the robot geometry, and that create a package for running the simulation. We provide all the implementation files, and a  detailed 7-page manual explaining how to build the ROS2 Jazzy Jaslico packages from scratch. In addition, with this tutorial, we provide a 7-page document describing the robot geometry and formulas necessary to implement the inertia and dynamics of the robot.


In this ROS2 tutorial, we explain how to model and simulate a two-wheel differential drive mobile robot in ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco and Gazebo Harmonic from scratch. We explain how to create URDF, XACRO XML, Gazebo, and Python files that define the robot geometry, and that create a package for running the simulation. We provide all the implementation files, and a  detailed 7-page manual explaining how to build the ROS2 Jazzy Jaslico packages from scratch. In addition, with this tutorial, we provide a 7-page document describing the robot geometry and formulas necessary to implement the inertia and dynamics of the robot.